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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

America says no to cutting social security and medicare to lower deficit.

I thought this was already clear Mr. Obama.

America will not tolerate a grand bargain.

In his first press conference since reelection President Obama answered some tough questions from reporters on subjects like the Patraeus affair, the so-called fiscal cliff, climate change and Syria.

But the most important question that was asked was this one by Jessica Yellen:

"You’ve said that the wealthiest must pay more. Would closing loopholes instead of raising rates for them satisfy you?"

During his answer President Obama didn't really address the tax rates for the wealthy, except for saying that he doesn't want to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. But his focus was really on removing deductions and loopholes. 

That's great, but...

Nowhere does he state that tax rates on the wealthy will be increased in this deal. I'm understandably skeptical that Obama will actually raise taxes on the wealthy, which would be a great way to raise revenue to pay down the debt, instead his focus like I said was to get rid of loopholes and deductions. And that's a completely different thing. 

And then we get to what really disturbed me when the President mentioned entitlements: 

"let’s also then commit ourselves to the broader package of deficit reduction that includes entitlement changes and it includes, potentially, tax reform, as well as I’m willing to look at additional work that we can do on the discretionary spending side."

We know what that means. 

Anytime politicians talk about reforming taxes and changing entitlements (hell even calling them entitlements buys into the Republican narrative), it really means we're going to cut Social Security, Medicare, Food stamps, and other programs set up to help regular Americans and then lower corporate taxes.

I think I should remind you of what President Obama said in the debates.

"Governor Romney and I both agree that our corporate tax rate is too high."


Keep it real though, Obama wanted to lower tax rates on manufacturers to 25%, and the rest to 28%. But it's still a reduction and those taxes are going to be made up by screwing the poor and middle class.

Any time taxes go down for the wealthy, everyone else ends up making up the difference. Whether it's the middle class and the poor making up for it in a reduction of services and programs, or the future generations make up for it with massive debt.

Either way corporations and the wealthy pay less, and you get screwed.

Yet president Obama seems so intent on bringing us the grand bargain. You know, the plan where he cuts 3 trillion in spending for only 1 trillion in revenue.

What a joke.

The Bush tax cuts added nearly 1 trillion dollars to the deficit,

So why not just end them? Which would happen if Obama lets us go over the fiscal cliff. There's your 1 trillion in revenue right there and he didn't have to do a damn thing.

Oh and it would give him leverage in order to really help the middle class.

In a recent poll 53% of Americans would blame the Republicans if we go over the fiscal cliff, and 51% say they're expecting it to happen.

Mr. President you have the ball in your court, run with it!

This is like having a 1st down near the end zone and punting it.

The sad truth is the president is not a progressive, he wants to cut entitlements to lower corporate taxes, those are NOT progressive positions.

Americans are far more progressive in their ideals. According to a Huffingpost poll a majority of Americans are saying hands off to cuts in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for the purpose of deficit reduction.

Americans are also saying that the rich should pay more in taxes. 66 percent of people polled by Gallup state that they are in favor of raising taxes on individuals making over $200,000 and families making over $250,000. 

Simply put, we do not want the grand bargain. It's a robbery from the middle class and the poor and a giveaway to the rich. This election sent a message all right, but not the one the president thinks he heard.

We want the wealthy to pay the tax rates under Clinton, and we will not abide by cuts to our earned benefits to pay for lowering corporate taxes.

Got it Mr. President?

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