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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election 2012: The Aftermath & My take.

Last night was a big victory for the Democratic party and progressives. Barack Obama handily bested Mitt Romney with 303 electoral votes and 50% of the popular vote. Mitt Romney pompously had no concession speech written as he was so confident of his win, showing just how self absorbed and divorced from reality the man really is. Now thankfully we no longer have to see his smug face on TV or hear him "approve this message". 

But Barack Obama wasn't the only major democratic victory. 

Colorado legalized recreational marijuana, putting us on the track to legalization and ending the wildly stupid and completely failed war on drugs. Washington state also legalized recreational marijuana. In Massachusetts medical marijuana also passed with a majority. There are now 15 states where medical marijuana is legal.

I'm predicting the snack food industry in Colorado and Washington state are going to see a big boom. Especially Funyuns, I love those things.

And there are more victories:

Todd "legitimate rape" Akin was crushed legitimately by Claire McCaskill  in Missouri. I guess Missouri women had a way of shutting that whole thing down. Also Richard "god intended you to have that rape baby" Mourdock, who is the by the way also famous for saying that compromise is getting democrats to agree with you, was defeated in Indiana by Democrat Joe Donnely. Don't worry Richard, even though losing is a horrible thing, god intended for it to happen so you should just accept the wonderful gift of being unemployed. 

Allen West of Florida also joins the ranks of the Tea Party unemployed when he was defeated by Patrick Murphy in a tight race. Of course Allen West still hasn't conceded the race. True to Tea Party fashion West has a hard time admitting reality as it so often has a liberal bias and is demanding a recount. Hmm, a recount in Florida, that sounds familiar. 

Deadbeat Dad and Tea Party darlin' Joe Walsh was also unseated by Tammy Duckworth, the Iraq veteran who lost her legs in an apache helicopter crash. Good riddance to bad politicians!

Elizabeth Warren also laid the hammer down on Scott Brown, crushing him with a victory of 54% to 46% of the vote in Massachusetts returning Mass to its liberal roots. Elizabeth Warren is a great progressive and so it's a huge huge victory! 

Unfortunately there is some good news for the Tea Party, Michele Bachmann barely retained her seat in Minnesota. I'm guessing all she had to do was stare at people with those crazy eyes to scare them into voting for her.

All in all in the senate races the Democrats picked up three seats bringing them to a total of 55. 

Unfortunately the house still retains a Republican Majority so we will probably continue to see obstruction in the house until hopefully the midterm elections where Democrats can finish cleaning up the red tide that has messed up congress. John Beohner and Eric Cantor the undynamic duo still retain their seats so we can look forward to more years of drinking, crying, and bad spray tans. 

Paul Ryan also narrowly kept his seat in Wisconsin. So sadly he wont become a P90x trainer anytime soon. Hopefully he will go the way of Palin and end up on Fox news only to be forgotten in two months. 

Back to good news. 

With all the victories it's definitely a time to celebrate, but I also want to stress how important it is not to take these for granted. We progressives still have a lot of work to do now that the easy job of getting Obama reelected is over there is much more work to do. We still have a massive deficit to fix, NDAA, Money in politics which is still the most corrupting influence on our democracy. We still have oil subsidies, low taxes on the wealthy and climate change staring us in the face. These are the problems we face and our work is just beginning to try fix these and other problems our great nation faces. 

So with that in mind we need to remember not to be complacent, not to waver from our progressive values, and to hold our elected officials accountable when they do something we don't agree with. 

The fight for progressive values continues, and it's fight we can only win if everyone stays involved. 

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